BachTalks Fascinating talks on upcoming repertoire. In-person events occur in a private home and include a reception. Season Introduction with Bob Worth – Thursday, October 6th at 7 p.m. A Well Tempered Heart with Kayleen Asbo –Thursday,November 10th at 7 p.m. A Walk in Bach’s Shoes with Anne Laver – Thursday, January 12th at 7 p.m. Bach the Borrower with Bob Worth – Thursday, March 23rd at 7 p.m. Bach Through the Years with Dan Solter – Thursday, May 25th at 7 p.m.
Saturday Sings Join Sonoma Bach’s assistant conductor Amanda McFadden to explore the works of women through the ages. Timeless Women – Saturday, October 15th, 3–5 p.m.Join us to sing S.A.T. B. music by women composers. Ladies’ Night – Saturday, April 22nd, 3–5 p.m.S.S.A. music for women’s voices. All voice parts are welcome to participate!
Ready, Set, Sing! Rescheduled A voice class for those aspiring to sing with greater ease and joy. The instructor, Christopher Fritzsche, is an alumnus of Chanticleer and a frequent soloist with Sonoma Bach. Tuesdays: April 4, 11, 18, 25 at 7PM
The Choir Loft A podcast featuring wonderful vocal and instrumental music and illuminating commentary. New shows are added regularly and many previous shows are available at
Bachgrounders 35 minutes prior to each concert Each of our concerts is preceded by a lively half-hour presentation by our music director or by a special guest. These cover highlights of the repertoire, tips for listening, background material, and stories from the early music trenches. Many Bachgrounders include the participation of the full performing forces.