Dianna Morgan, Executive Director Dianna graduated Summa Cum Laude from Southern Oregon University with a BA in Music focusing on Vocal Performance and Music Education. She is the recipient of the Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship from The Young Singers Foundation and was recognized as Performing Arts Woman Student of the Year by the American Association of University Women. Dianna made her Carnegie Hall debut after winning First Place, Judges Distinction Award and Best Performance Award in the 2012 American Protégé Vocal Competition. She has toured the world as a soprano soloist in Puerto Rico, Austria, and Hungary and has appeared in several operas with Rogue Opera and Cinnabar Theater. Dianna moved to Petaluma in 2013 to be closer to her family, and has since fallen in love with it! She lives there with her husband and children, and they enjoy walking around town, finding new things to do, and spending time together. Dianna is an active member of Sonoma Bach's musical community, singing with the Bach Choir, Circa 1600, and the Green Mountain Consort.